Durga is the goddess of Shakti (Power). Legend goes that demon Mahishasur caused great devastation to the people and vanquished the god and their king Indra who approached Lord Shiva. Finally they all turned to divine mother Durga, who ventured into killing wicked Mahishasur. Equipped with all her lethal weapons she set on, riding a ferocious lion, to put an end to the devastation that was caused by the demon. Goddess Durga represents infinite power of the universe. She symbolises female dynamism. People have been worshiping the Goddess since 400 AD. The great Hindu epics Ramayana and the Mahabharata bear reference to the Goddess as well. In a broader sense, Durga is taken as a gentle bride representing family unity.
# posted by sunil-biswas @ 10:52 PM